so -- >> hey, can i ask you something, kirstin? i think you're right, when you go through something like that and come out the other side, are people realizing that they can get along with less resources, they can be more connected with their family, i know that's part of it, not all of it, jon, i see your face, there are a few people -- because jon, listen, you and i live near each other, every single store, every shop, every restaurant, there's help wanted signs everywhere and people say they can't find workers. as you said, people are reevaluating, kerstin. don't people say, listen, i learned to get along with less so, as you said, i'm going to do the things i want to do and refocus my life and do things differently? >> yeah, i think, look, i think that this country generally has had a problem in terms of people valuing the right things. i put myself in that category as well. we're just very materialistic, very consumerist, driven, hypercapitalist as a country. and we were forced to slow down. and sort of stop for a lot of peopl