already fallen out of love with mine, now we need to live like... then further, well, well, thank you, kiryush no one is officially forcing you. yes, but we wouldn’t have gotten places abroad, i remember. alina is good, she loves me, you know, a month ago i didn’t care what would happen to me, but now it’s like i’m starting to wake up, this some kind of pink nightmare. son, marriage was your decision and no one cares for what reasons you made it, so please. doesn’t make others suffer because of their mistakes, you understand me, promise me, i understand, i promise, that’s great, listen, and then the euphoria in women quickly passes, the grinding of characters begins, a fight of dishes, tears, resentment, reconciliation, then abruptly a world comes that you both like, then you get used to it and become a happy person, seriously, did you and your mom have a fight over the dishes? oh, you can't imagine thank you very much, geresh, and your mother recommended this spa to me, it’s incredible, right in the mountains, there are burning springs, a swimming pool, let’s go, light, dinner will be ready,