this is kisangani station. there's one short run left.ften, i'm guessing. abandoned by the belgians, shot up and stripped by the rebels in the '90s, the station, the engines, the ancient passenger cars, and the tracks themselves, have slowly receded into the jungle. and yet all these years later, with hardly any resources, alub emile, the railway administrator and a staff of clerks, conductors, mechanics and engineers show up at work and do what they can in an attempt to keep things in working order. >> the railway employees, i'm told, do not get paid, yet they continue to show up at work. >> it is said of the building of the country's once vast rail network, one congolese died for every single tie. like many congolese we meet, they are, all these years later and in spite of everything that's happened, ready and waiting for the situation to improve. >> there's a great line in the beginning of "apocalypse now," i wanted a mission and for my sins, they gave me one. i wanted to come to the congo for as long as i've been telling stories or ma