kishor karwa has been an invalid since coming down with the disease. he and his family live in a cramped slum. india may be booming economically, but the illness has driven the karwas further into poverty. it's threatening to tear the family apart. >> in the nair hospital, we had a horrible experience. four times they collected blood, month after month. still, the cold shivers and fever could not be treated, they just gave us pills. but the symptoms remained, no treatment worked. then we came to the dahisar clinic. thereafter, the chills and fever were under control. reporter residents of mumbai get free antibiotics to treat the disease, but the treatment is time-consuming and requires six months of medical supervision. that's an eternity when money is tight. >> i have to go the municipal hospital daily to get medicine. it's almost 2 kilometers to walk there. if i have to go to the toilet on the way, this is a big problem: where do i go? a girl in my neighborhood sent me to another clinic in saibaba nagar. they said they will give me medicine but only f