kishore, to pick up on something you were entioning earlier, you talked about good governance in asiauded china in that. people a lot of would take exception to that. >> yes, of course they because, you know, in framework, the necessary condition of good democracy. is and clearly china, does not have a democracy. by definition, under the western definition, china governance good because it doesn't have a democracy. n fact, most social scientists would measure good governance in terms of hether or not you're succeeding in improving the well-being of your people, look at the overall record of the last years, no government has done as good job as china has in improving the well-being of its people and, in fact, the livelihood of the chinese people have done better in 40 years than they have in the past 4,000 years. now, it's a sad contrast, statistic, the united major is the only developed country that the average income of the bottom 50%, has gone down over a 30-year period, and this is reason why i -- has china won, the united states should focus now on well-being of its people rather