kitaba ashrafi is the story of one of these teenagers.aba is a hero who overcomes problems in front of him and in addition to this activity dealing with his own problems presents the narrative of that period of the history of the islamic revolution for the teenage audience. the story of a teenager who enters the revolutionary groups by keeping the declarations of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, and another work by seyyed hasan hosseini arsanjani with the title "i am not a person" was crying on my head when a man grabbed both sides of his guard and the collar of his old man. from the rake , including short continuous stories about the revolution. the revolution atmosphere of those 2005 celebrations. shiraz and those things happen to him, the story tells the story of a teenager who enters savaki prison . a teenager gets up from arsanjan and goes to it is only from the name and address of this book that a part of pahlavi's career is read in it. the books that were written during the revolution will eventually introduce the young