kitchings, guilty by association. >> well, i appreciate you talking to us, okay?ut take my advice to heart and just chill out. you don't need any more charge before you go to court. all right, man. thank you. >> all right. >> take him back. >> you kind of flip-flopped. was some kind of hit put out on a specific officer? >> did i send it? no. do everybody think that i've done it? yes. they think that supreme has his hands in a lot of things. >> i think he wants to project himself as being very powerful. if he is projected as pulling that much power to have inmates assault officers, the other inmates might respect him more. might project him to be more of a powerful individual. personally, i do not believe gathers ordered the assault. i don't think he pull that's much weight around here to have ordered that assault. >> what's the next step from here? >> just monitor his activity. >> so the game continues? >> that's all it is is a game. i have a simple philosophy -- they have 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a week to come up with games or to mess with our minds