amy: kitty kolbert, you argued planned parenthood v.ey before the supreme court 30 years ago in 1992. roe was reaffirmed in that case. this was about spousal consent? men having to give women their consent for an abortion? >> it was that in a number of other restrictions in pennsylvania law that were upheld. but i think strikiny in 1992, we expected the court to do exactly what they did here. and they did not because justice kennedy changed his vote at the last minute. but as a result of casey, while it preserv legal abortion throughout the country, it meant many women, particularly black and brown women, women who were poor, women who lived in rural areas, women who were young come had very difficult times obtaining abortion because of restrictions that it permitted. now, unfortunately, today, as a result of those ruling, the same women will suffer much, much more because their ability to obtain abortion will be totally circumscribed. it is a devastating opinion, one in which all of us need to be as angry as we can be and channel that