put wheel in democratic countries and in context on or azerbaijani reportorial kidney or chatter kiver rinaldi odds are it will not do the people good. they have done well but it is not automatic it depends on the context. >> it is of mixed bag. but then again with a former chevron executive now think that the center for strategic international studies talk about the difference between development of oil resources and specifically like convicts on -- cause extent and azerbaijani. in the difference with the united states is in the united states the oil resources are not owned by the state's. the individual landowner in texas gets royalties him the company's pump the oil landowner gets the of money. not the big footprint. the company's make money and create jobs and create some wealth. certainly you can look at texas and louisiana and you can see their elements of the traditional third world resources curse that has not been shared well in their ranks pretty low on everything health, education, per capita income. >> host: that generally has been a problem that there is a lot of corruption it is