the kkk, the idea of both sides ism. you know, it's a problem in politics where you treat all, you know, different sizes being equally right or wrong. well, in this case, the kkk is just plain wrong. the a.i. bot said otherwise. it's bad enough when humans do this, or it's even worse when a chatbot does it. >> i mean, the l.a. times billionaire owner is named patrick soon-shiong. he called this tool an experimental, evolving technology. so is that code for right? i used it too soon. >> maybe so. he sends the election. soon-shiong has been trying to figure out ways to draw in readers and appeal to both conservative as well as liberal readers. he says he's worried about people not hearing each other, listening to other sides. and if we take that in good faith, that's an understandable concern. but to bring in a.i. might be the wrong approach to the right problem. he's saying that using a.i., he can provide a greater variety of points of view about subjects. but you know, that may help earn trust. but a case like this also