you wob have to relocate to kl kal. could you stay right here.could you stay living in the projects. you got your routee because from flat bush instead of going down flat bush avenue, i would go over to like washington, and cut around, around the projects over in the back and catch brooklyn bridge from the back instead of going where all the traffic was at. and i would go by the brooklyn navy yard. and i was-- i got the route from the projects. charlie, i saw myself working as an actor on a television show at the brooklyn navy yard. i saw this. the only thing i couldn't see was that i would be living somewhere else. i saw myself in this dream, i was stiff living in the projects because i had my route. so i get there, and then i get to play chalky white. >> rose: yeah. >> this, you know, mike, where do you get chalky white from. where omar was a variation of parts of you mixed with people that you saw growing up, you know, that you saw in your peers, this is something different. this is something other. you don't know what it is like to live in 19