klamath falls doesn't have a reservation. it was terminated... the klamath tribe was terminated, i think, in 1956, and then they got reinstated as a tribe in the 1980's. but, you know, growing up in that kind of community and place, i remember when the indians received money in the 1970's, and you know, everybody talked about how, you know, they were just spending it wildly, and you know, going on these crazy binges. and indians were perceived as this, you know, this thing. and so, you know, i had this vantage point where i would look on both sides of things quite a bit. >> hinojosa: kind of like insider/outsider perspective. >> insider/outsider, yeah, like america. >> hinojosa: so you end up going to film school at nyu. >> uh-huh. >> hinojosa: and you spent a chunk of time living in new york, and after smoke signals came out, you had another great success with another wonderful movie called edge of america, about an african american basketball coach who ends up working on a res... >> yeah. >> hinojosa: ...and this whole, kind