i picked up immediately the surrender klaus, number 13, in the contract with peter pan, that says you have to restore the premises exactly the way you found it. there you are. it should have been done better. the second thing is we had many community meetings that said we should have peaceful open space. that means of passive park. we have places that have sports and everything, but that does not belong on the waterfront. five parks do not have a sport. that has got to go. and the amplified sound. people are fed up with it. there is nothere is no reason ie that loud in a small area. please take care of this. let the people be happy for once and all. >> thank you >> good afternoon hearing your -- good afternoon. >> the market community has been organizing around access to our local recreation center for the past year. we have found that the wreck and park department policies overlook young people and need to be addressed in order for centers to be safe in the long term. through the efforts to include community input, we have to be given a coordinator who is great and interested in inpu