. >> you're listening to klax berkeley. >> klax is the university's station in berkeley.s no draft, but -- >> we're still going to the polls. we're still expressing our disinterest. we're still going to protests. if it isn't in the radio it doesn't mean it's not in our thoughts. >> reporter: this was country joe mcdonald almost 38 years ago leading hundreds of thousands of people at wood stock in an anti war sing along. >> ♪ and it's 57, open up the prairie gates ♪ ain't no time to wonder why we're all going to die ♪ >> and this is country joe today. he told us he thinks there's actually more political music now than ever. especially punk and hip hop. >> ♪ >> but most of it is not on the radio. >> the job of radio is to play music that sells the most. the music that sells the most is the love songs. >> stick around, new releases thursday. >> reporter: dave mawry has been a dj on kfog for more than 30 years. he said back in the 60s and 70s everyone was familiar with the protest songs because most young people listened to the same music. but now -- >> all these different ge