that's according to david kleinschmidt. he's the director of public works here in vallejo. and, says his office is working to fix this growing and very expensive problem. kleinschmidt says these fires at private and city-owned buildings has resulted in more than two million dollars in damages. fire fighters also say battling flames at unoccupied buildings without electricity also presents and uneccessary saftey risk for their crews. kleinschmidt says the city has also torn down thr building that once stood here because of repeated homeless fires. others are slated for demolition like this old school district building. and, if private property owners aren't willing to fix their vacant buildings or tear them down and redevelop. kleinschmidt says the city will step in. >> "we will move forward with a dangerous building ordinance and deem it unsafe and actually take it upon ourselves to do the demolition and put the cost of the demolition onto the tax rolls for hopefully ultimately reimbursing the city for those costs. i know of at least two that we're working with our attorney