here he is klelaskovo near this windmill. departed from straying in 1569, from mine we can make a reversale first assignment that the gospels because it was a faithful book, popularized by them. this is the first citation, from villena. for already one thousand five hundred and ninety-five years, this is an original book. see this is the sixteenth year. and the more this book comes out from the lists of the historian of cultural maps nastya of the republic of belarus is a fan-shaped party exhibit. come on, do not eat up your museum fish jumping, yes, respectful d exhibit. and i think that i would like to tell, if we walked through the halls, the museum, of course, returned the lava to a non-random architecture, i mean, that it is the second one, so, of course, there is some water enough for them. this is bogging down our, probably, such arched passages, openings , vakona. this is a booth. uh, i’ll cut my hour in the polotsk-male epiphany monastery. it was a cell bottle in gel. does not owe speech at all. which ones have already left the liquid for speech itself? this is the etching machine