only 12 out of every 100 rapes leads to an arrest, but austin klemm was arrested.of every 100 rapes ever gets prosecuted, but thanks to you, this case was among that small number that went to trial. five out of every 100 rapes leads to a felony conviction. klemm was convicted of one count of rape in the first degree and two counts of second-degree rape. after getting so close, i can only imagine how you must have felt after you fought the original sentence and instead of fair punishment that you sought, the new sentence is even worse. but whatever those feelings might have been, you didn't hesitate. you challenged the judge's second sentence right away. and i'm encouraged by your determination because there is no justice in a system that gives freedom and security to a rapist while his victim lives in fear and uncertainty. one of the best hopes for fixing what is broken about that system is people like you who will do what justice woodruff will not do, who will use their power to bend that proverbial moral arc just a little bit closer towards justice. district atto