klepper! klepper's a bitch! i got-- i got some fans here., - you're a wuss. you're not a man of god. - i'm not, i'm an atheist. - no, no, you're a wuss. you're a wuss just like trevor noah. - air assaults. air assaults. - pack it up, we're done. we're done, thank you though. (crowd shouting and cursing) - second fiddle to a second fiddle! (crowd shouting) - oh, are you guys the liberal media? i have one word for you. you are controlled by the deep state-- - that's like four or five, six words, ten words. - (bleep) you. - that's even two. that one's even two, but that's okay. here's when you might think the heated conversation is over. and at a maga rally, it rarely is. - fake news! you guys are fake news. you are brainwashed by the cabal, and i have one word for you, fake news! (bleep) you! the silent majority is done with your ass! - two words. that's two words. - we're done with your lies! go (bleep) yourself, liberal media. go (bleep) yourself. you want a message? go (bleep) yourself. yeah, right. bro, it's n