so once you've gone through the detailed discussions, presentations, communications, klix at a committee level and make a recommendation, it's not that you don't get more input from others that are in the committee, you do but it's typically intended to be, to have gone through the most serious setting in the committee process and not just be a repeat to the board. trustees also commented on the need for all committee members to attend meetings and be prepared at meeting. so there is a level of frustration by some trustees of that not happening. so that would be a good area for desired improvement for the next year. the third question asked if any of the responders had served board chair or committee chair. and it was nice to see that all had, that you do share your leadership responsibilities on this board well across each of you. next slide please. the response there in terms of the positive was they appreciate the structure of the meeting and they appreciate that there is an open mindedness and, there is of your board and your committees. so then we turn to the areas of improvement on