means that there will be some sort of restrictions imposed on aircraft from the netherlands could be klm, also air france, that gets a little bit difficult. he's talked about limiting official aircraft from landing in turkey from the netherlands, not to come back. and i think, also, he's trying to convince citizens of the netherlands maybe to vote against the prime minister's party, i think it's going to backfire because they will create support for the far right. where i see this all going is, i think it will resolve itself sort of at the level of rhetoric, points after the referendum. until the referendum, i think the president understands that by playing the turks up for being victimized, as he sees it, by the inability to hold a rally and allow turks to express their freedom of speech in the netherlands, that really plays to his political base and beyond his base here in turkey. the opposition leader came out last night and actually said, i stand fully in solidarity with the president, even though the opposition meter so strongly opposes the president and the referendum that's coming