was support of those laws by a reign of terror and the symbol of that terror has come to be the klu klux klan. founded in 1865 the clan walank established to enforce new kinds of law and the creation of new type of white supremacy. they were attacked on psychological and denial of their rights. african-americans responded to that in a way that allowed them to express their own vision for the future. the white hood became the symbol of the ku klux klan and was widely seen across society protecting the identity of individuals, although in most communities everyone knew who was underneath the hood. but it wasn't just the physical terror of the klan. more than 4,000 individuals were illegally murdered with no consequences on the perpetrators from the 1880s into 1940s. it was constant terror, and intimidation. the other part was not so physical, it had to do with intellectual and psychological fear. african-american were put on earth to serve other people. they are here as servants for society. that kind of makeup on white society as well as the detrimental effect on african-americans who had to r