it's not clear whether kmaimpk means it will put tickets on sale this year. >> a new study shows bay area residents live longer than people in other partsz of the nation. reporting residents live a decade longer than people in less healthy parts of the u.s.. women in marin and santa clara, that works out to a little more than 84 years. researchers found bay area tops charts when it comes to physical fitness and maintaining healthy weight. >> coming up next at 5:00 giants pitcher buster posey gives back. >> yes. one of the rare days off. >> hey, everybody. want a smart solution for your commute? check out abc 7 right now and you can drive away with a new smart car. be smart, enter now. >>> can coming up at 6:00 sounding the alarm. the man who feels ripped off by his city's strict policy z a breeding program that is setting the right mood to help a endangered sea critter make it often dangered species list. >> he's more than that he's become an internet sensation. his story coming up tonight on abc 7 news at 6:00. >> that is not grumpy cat, is it?. >> he looks hatchy. >> he ca