the main track for tourists as well as kmurters. the street car track along water front is blocked and there is of course into rush hour it's crescendoing into traffic chaos. and there is traffic being diverted skpefr one off the water front the interior streets are a real mess. and there is people lined up and taking pictures and the executive director describes this building fire this afternoon saying that the building was vacated and she thinks it's going to be okay going forward. >> there is no loss, we'll be putting up the final steel here in just weeks. the event will be happening here in 2013. and so we're just -- there should be no impact from this other than unsightly facade. >> and there is tourists just walking and going around the area of the fire. it affected commuters and many are stuck in cars trying to get out of the city. or across the city. >> thank you. and once again, we're going give you a look from sky 7 hd over the scene of the fire on the embarcadero. continuing to monitor and will bring you developments here