. >> kneelneil, if if you and your family were doing okay and then pushed to the wall, but then started to return but it hasn't gotten back to where you were before, how do you form a conclusion of how are you doing? do you compare your current state to the best of times previously or the worst of times? >> one thing that they always say is that the economy elect the president. and the president elects congress. depending on how the president's approval rating is, and what party he's from. it's not that people are not looking at their own economic situation, but how the media frames how the country is doing as a whole. even though the numbers look pretty good, one would tell you that the media framing is that we had a stagnant economy that was not recovering fast enough. >> if i ran all the stats by people who voted against democrats or felt that they were voting against the president on tuesday, that wouldn't necessarily change their vote. i couldn't prove to them that they're right or wrong, but it's a compelling idea that more jobs have been created since barack obama began his job s