louis. >> you are saying knelly is safe. >> i'm not saying knelly is safe. >> we're talking knelly, man nelly man, this made classic, down, down baby, street in the range rover, boom boom, street sweeper, ready to let it go. well, anyway, we want to protect the american people. >> some of the projects you do, i think we should just assign priority levels. this is priority a, for absolutely. let's do this project. all the way down to priority d, as in dumb, as it don't do this, as it demolish the idea. >> we don't even consider priority d projects. >> except for new-- yeah, new madrick the concrete-- here is the thing the corps does plenty of projects but as long as they keep getting these dst, man, you better carry a life vers with you. learn how to swim or something. >> roy wood, jr., everybody, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ was born 30 years ago. and it started us on a journey we've been working on ever since. because we believe that an autonomous driving future - one that makes the world safer for all of us - is a dream worth pursuing. introducing the revolutionary new e-class, from m