lalast week, former israelii ambassador michael oren, w who w serves in the israeli knesset, sasa bernie sanders owes i isral an apology. orenen accuseded sanders of a bd lilibel which is a false, centuries-old allegation that jews were killing children to use their r blood in religious rituals. on sunday, berninie sanderers appeared on "the leader" with jake tapper on cnn. >> was israel's response disproportionate? i think it was. israel has what had percent -- 100%, the right to live in and in, independently, security, without having to be subjected d to terrorist attack. but i thinink that we will not succeed to ever bring peace into that region unless we also treat the palestinians with dignity and respect. and that is my view. >> it is interesting, if you will permit me to say, the first jew in american history to win a ,elegate, much less a primary is taking this position with israel that is usually in american politics -- i'm not criticizing you -- or whenn usually supports israel, whatever israel wants to do. you're taking a more critical position.. >> more balalanced position. a