i was an advisor to the knight commission that studied the types of content needed in order to enable and empower a democracy, and it was not, uh, netflix and movies and other kinds of distractions. it was the kind of information that included what's happening at city hall, what's happening at the state legislature, what's happening with the federal government in terms of services. we have an opportunity now, because congress had mandated that the fcc develop a national broadband plan, and the united states is one of the few advanced countries still without a national broadband plan... >> hinojosa: hard to believe. >> ... to develop a, uh, infrastructure for the 21st century. however, that was not done. at most, the commission's plan looked only for ten years that everyone would have a, um, ten megabytes per second in terms of access, and they would call that high-speed broadband. whereas now, if you look at the kind of access available in south korea, hong kong, and even kansas city, upcoming, as a consequence of a gift from google, they have one gigabyte per second access. we should