he is raw-boned, shamble-gaited, bow-legged, knock-kneed, pigeon-toed, slob-sighted, a shapeless skeletonin a very tough, very dirty, unwholesome skin. his lips protrude beyond the natural level of the face but are pale and smeared with tobacco juice, his teeth are filthy. [laughter] peat your president, your new president of the united states. [laughter] at the same time, another paper published this profile of mr. lincoln. mr. lincoln stands six feet tall in the his socks, which he changes once every ten days. [laughter] his anatomy is composed mostly of bones, and when walking, he resembles the offspring of a happy marriage between a derrick and a wind mill. [laughter] his head is shaped something like a route bag georgia. he can hardly be called handsome, though he is certainly much better looking since he had the smallpox. [laughter] flash forward, right? president obama called a racist, a marxist, a fascist, a dictator, a muslim -- that's not meant as a positive term, by the way, a man of faith, a muslim meaning a terrorist -- a nazi, a foreigner, jack an -- jackassa lie offon the -