a tlo of physicians have exprseesd coerncns sayg,in how we knothw at the l wawill ree with us a wnde wi hllave to go a dndefend ourselvesf o tack is iaasn of murr dewhen are tryg into protect -- cuacsation ofur mder we are tryingo tprott ecthe repants fe. there is also a case of severe fetal analomy that couldea mn ffsuering eayrl death f torhe byba. the lauangge matte.rs krisn:te thiiss not targeting the pregnant wanom, is somneeo who aedid, a doctor,eo pple who that would be sued aerft the fact f horaving do sneome thing to hp.el >> aolbsute, we e aralready hearing reports in cerinta stesatik le texashe wre pharmacists are afraid of filling rtceain preriscptions. isth will have aip rple effect, founrtunately, iav he had commentsn osocial miaeday sing, y do not stay out of it, they can fly tono ather sta tteo get an abortn.io that pros vethe fact that meso ofhe tse bills can wenid sparity, peoe plto do have the resourceswi, ll be in a vyer cupeliar andan dgerous situation. krisn:te turning to covid, there is more d anmore evincdee of a relapse fo ar percente agof peleop that it is t