the second is there is a question in some people's mind about whether you could commercialize the knotwork or when there's an emergency you lost the service. well, i don't think there's any question about that at all. somehow there is a view, which i do not subscribe to that all systems have to be the same. the author of the same level of reliability. i have a vision of a world where there are lots of different kinds of systems. and if you cut the price down low enough for service and say well, you're going to have to have this service 95% or 90% of the time. but there's an emergency you'll be out of business, but boys at low cost. if you go you find a lot of customers. so i hope this concept of a shared existence which went public safety and commercial is brought back to life. >> host: marty cooper, what's your thoughts about some of the brain cancer warnings that has been given about cell phone? >> guest: well first of all, but me tell you, peter, i am not a.err. i am a very heavy cell phone user. i've been using portable two-way radios for 50 years. i hate to talk about those. you might