you , knowi gu ess, quthe esonti is if u yoplneand t out is it okay todr ive t ou e?ther awere not looking at wh atwe saw ear rliein january.> no. this isa signift ican sn owma ker for the high rasier. today it was they had a few t lighsnow shows,er olwhe difft erensty orgoing thh roug the weekend. sttiarng through stheadinup orre the mountains, the snow wi ll y, especialatly sury danight into sund ay. if you ntwa tod heaup that direc tion do it tomo. rrowas early in the y as possible. e thowsn will t starflngyi by tela aftern oon it will pi ckup in inittensy saturday ineveng ovand erghnit. continue on sund. ay if u yogo there, do nomot ce ba ck until mondayte afr the ad crews had a chance to scraffpe o a otfo to 2-1/fe2 et fresh snowfall. eagrt news fothe ski resorts, thetrick isit hwillapn peover the weekend. ke eppeople up there d allow them togebat ck t ou of wnto. t'les talk about our si othf e storm emsyst. morein ra, we d ha1/th10 of an inch to erov an inchof rain. itamthe rough this mog.rnin the bulk ofit was in the qutearr to half an inch. fea w showers