aps it's packed here so people don't have to bundle up, you knowta we'll in the 30s again today. >> thanksuren. if you're heading outside be sure you're wearing extra cyers. >> our teamerage continues. shoppers in leesburg have been spending money for hours already. megan has been there all morning bundled up. look at her talking with people not afraid to wake up early and take on this fridged weather for the outdoor shopping experience. how are youin fe megan? >> i can't feel my toes. i'not wearing the best of shoes here. i know, poor me. but i'llell you, other people are dressed appropriately, ande you hav to. i just checked theow weather d here, 26 degrees. it's just frigid and this is the situation where you walk from store to store. so you're out in the elements until you go backo i the store. some of theor es, if we can go down towardhe up store there, when they get too many people inside, then they make folks wait in line so they're standing there in the 26 degree temperatures until someone goes outf the store and then they'll let someone in. so this is shopping for the truly, truly