congratulations to the secretary of the senate a great south dakota and knutson sargent and arms are assuming the roles today. i am grateful for their service. mr. president the words of the oath which we here at the start of each new congress are a reminder of profoundpr responsibility to which we have entrusted that is to support and defend the constitution of the united states. 237 years ago represented smith together in philadelphia, pennsylvania produce something essentially unique in human history a blueprint for our new country founded not on history or conquest but on a set of ideals that a perfect document as our founders attested by making provisions for amendments. was and remains one of the greatest most important political document in the history of thehe world it's made us a country look to as a beacon of freedom the shining city on the hill it's a solemn responsibility those of us here in congress to preserve our constitution to guard against enemies foreign and domestic to our nation continues to stand in human rates. when it came time to draft the constitution establ