president knutzen, the vote is unanimous. >> president knutzen: thank you so much. and do we have any announcements? hearing none, do we have a motion to adjourn the meeting? >> so moved. >> president knutzen: vice president spears moves to adjourn the meeting. do we have a second from any of the other commissioners? >> second. >> president knutzen: great. then on behalf of the commission, just want to say it again, thank you for the staff and everything you're doing this month. and commissioners, thank you for the extra efforts made to patch in audio, video, whatever we could do today. we made this happen again, and very, very pleased with it. so thank you for participating, a , a and thank you to the members of staff and public who are listening today. so until next month. i'll adjourn the meeting. >> thank you. >> thanks, all. >> president yee: okay. good afternoon and welcome to the september 1, 2020 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, will you please call the roll. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president. [roll call]