era corporations they're exercising this corporate profit over the welfare of the people right now koa is ground 0 for 4 of the largest chemical corporations in the world for their experiment production. and they're and. they're doing their experiments and. we're live approximately 500 yards away from where to turn because in the dust come from. the chemical in dust has a great effect on us it took away our lives. you can't see it in the yard and enjoy your yard that you worked hard for. drift is relevant in real so between these chemicals and transport through the environment there's no telling where these pesticides will end up some of the chemicals they last couple of months after life 10 months they don't want to. put out fumes so now you're moving particles put in a few humans would travel straight as the wind my neighbors there experimented with corn they did during gym or experiments of their testing different that's the side cocktails. nobody knows what these chemicals will do the elements they have never been tested no. nobody has ever proven them safe and this is a huge guine