reaction to occur when heavy metals are added as a catalyst for the most commonly used physical and kobol none of which should be consumed by humans if finally hydrogen gas is the last of the things bonded to the oil the result is two types of hydrogenated oils only and partially partially hydrogenated oils are the ones preferred by the food restaurant industry but in either case the molecular structure of the oil has been changed and it is no longer in its natural state. problem here is that you really and truly have no hydrogenation you know partial hydrogenation and you need to have things that are not altered. the. low fat diet that has been pushed for many years. by various authorities in the fearsome community has really not serve the public well the reason for that is that. some fats are essential some fats are ok and so are really bad but trans fat it goes into the really bad category to lump all fats together and say fat is bad and we should reduce fat to improve our health is misguided and not supported by scientific evidence it's it's. a simplification that is simply wrong. fat