likely, they drank it in individual houses before that, but on the plan of grodno of that time , kofengauz is indicated, a place where townspeople gathered to drink another cup in company, where a visitor could go to chat with local residents to find out local news, grodno is all hospitable , and it will also bite, grodno has preserved the historical buildings of the center, there are many blocks in which it is noticeably more... 100 years old, due to this here you can clearly feel the spirit of the time, when the main entertainment of people was personal live communication, the question, how are you, did not imply a routine answer, but a long , detailed story, perhaps it was precisely because of this atmosphere that the first festival of national nationalities was held in grodno more than 20 years ago cultures, a holiday organized specifically so that neighbors could get to know each other better. from the very morning the pedestrian street is bustling with life, but officially. and you can’t count how many interesting and spectacular events were born as a result of the improvisation of t