the kohlberg foundation, barbara g. fleishmann and by our sole corporate sponsor, mutual of america, designing customized, individual and group retirement products. that's why we're your retirement company. >> welcome. the nobel laureate joseph says the situation in america is grave. that's his exact word for it, grave, inequality too great, unemployment too high, public investments too meager, corporations too greedy and the tax code too biased toward the very rich. strong medicine from one of the world's most influential thinkers. he's been the economist most cited by his colleagues in the field. but don't despair, he says. the barriers to solving our problems are political, not economic, and we can change what's wrong if enough of us insist. our tax code, for example, wasn't handed down from the gods on mt. olimb bus. human beings devised. and they can revise it, this time getting it right as he said on our broadcast last week. >> we have a tax system that reflects not the interest of the middle. we have a tax system