. >> gary kohlman is the players' lawyer. he cross examined coach fitzgerald at a labor board hearing this winter. >> he allowed me to walk through, not day-by-day, but hour-by-hour almost the life of a college football player. and then, at the end of it, i asked him, "isn't it true that being a college football player is a full time job? it was the first time he pushed back and he said 'no.' i said 'that's interesting, because i have an article here in the chicago tribune, in which you said two years ago that being a college football player is a full time job. did you say that?' and he said 'yes'. >> even if you guys vote no, now the precedent for other schools. >> yeah, that was a big part of the message. >> that's big as far as why we started this in the first place. >> have you heard from administration about not being able to go home on emergency leave to see your family? >> yeah, i don't believe in that tactic that they've used. they have said that if a union is brought in, all the benefits we get now are taken away and