me and exerting their right to decide to wear modest less revealing clothing kokesh modest really got and if they want to wear a hit or not he traveled a dozen aged one side speaks about the freedom to wear a headscarf the other about women being forced to do so there's no easy solution to the debate says a scholar of islam but one script is in which there is repression now muslim communities towards women who would like to take off their head scarves who don't want to wear one at all they are told they are dressing like a western woman but a muslim can't dress that way and i think you have to take that into consideration when you present islamic dress as fashion and islamic. as mordor insignia does fashion reflect institutional political power structures or is it an expression of individual freedom this is at the core of the frankfurt exhibit found wherever you stand on the issue a topic worthy of debate. we will now briefly with our colleague scott rocks now this exhibition was in san francisco before coming to frank was controversial that was controversial but not nearly as much as