. >> reporter: his apology is over this condo in koko hama built in 2007 but now found to be tilting. the problem came light last year after residents reported a growing difference in the heights of railings. the companies that by the and sold the condo are investigating. they found some of the underground pilings that support the building were not driven deep enough and don't touch the bedrock. they also revealed the subcontractor falsified data concerning the amount of con concrete used in the piling work. this could have real consequences in earth quake prone japan where there are strict laws on building codes. the real estate companitized the units as being built on solid ground. this couple was sold on that promise. they bought one of the units brand new using a retirement payout. >> translator: the problem has come at a time when we want to live happily here until we die. so this is very unfortunate. we want the contractor and other involved parties to compensate for this. >> reporter: these photographs were taken after the powerful earthquake and tsunami in march, 2011. they sa