host: from," -- from kokomo indiana, an independent color.aller: john boehner has been refusing to bring up a bill in the house, or the senate, so i do not understand how he will take up this bill. host: the bill they took up on the -- on the floor was house passed a bill, they doubted it, and added this to language. that was how they were able to get around the constitutional requirement. caller: they could've done that with the other bell, couldn't they? host: i dunno, i guess so. what you think of this maneuvering? caller: i think they should stop to the 250 as obama ran on. i also think that all income should be taxed the same, and the people who are doing capital gains should get taxed at the same right as rigid as everybody else. the key talking about class warfare and how we want to punish people that are making money. if it is punishment for them to pay a higher rate, that everybody else pays, then why is it not punishment for us? it seems like everybody is in the class warfare, thinking their class is better. host: have you been watc