a new line was launched in kokshitau in the spring, they are also working on in-depth production, theypment, and have already received the necessary ones. quality certificates. belarusians have ambitious plans in the region. in the next 2 years , the assembly of a 500-horsepower tractor in a classic configuration will be launched in kazakhstan. we have a separate nomenclature for all kazakhstan assemblies, they do not compete with each other, but they fill the entire maximum model range, this is generally such a good approach, on the whole the belarus brand wins. kazakhstan and belarus have strong economic ties, and the trends in recent years have been cooperative. projects, the parties are working on localization of production of combines, elevators, agricultural machinery and fire fighting equipment. we will see a fairly large market for passenger equipment and upgrades. in this direction in kazakhstan, so we also offer our kazakh partners the opportunity to work in this direction, for example, belkomunmash on trolleybuses, trams, electric buses that they produce, and this immediatel