think, right now what the prime minister is saying is we're not going to expect by the time of kolb hagan to have a treaty that then the countries go back to their respective slurs and say, ok, -- legislatures, but a path forward. in the end, if you look at the experience of kyoto, where there was treaty terms that were hammered out. several countries did meet their commitments. others which did ratify did not meet anywhere commitments. some because of unforeseen financial issues. and so in the end -- a treaty is a beginning and then you to have follow through. so i think you have to look at all these things. so what we're now saying is what the prime minister is saying in the apec conference and what i think the world is beginning to realize. we have to get going, we have to get going as aggressively as you can. the treaty is an important point in this but to me it's -- certainly it's a beginning. then you have to execute on that and every country has to then say we've got to start decreasing our unsustained growth in carbon emissions. in is the united states, because we are a developed