galasniks badai on hundred years ago, the garadzen kalozhskaya tsarka was built by the great sur'ez i pa kolkastsiit is more significant than in any naugarod temple of the same scale, and yana... however, at the barysaglebskaya tsarka the galas were removed constructive role, which were identified in crimes shavanaga to the passage ў paўnochnaya gallery і ўtoushchy sklyapenyaў, as rezanatars there are selfless, but it is the essence of the blurring of the main scenes. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. this institution, a cultural institution, a house of crafts, i thought there was no one here, once a week, who would come, hello, there are a little, zhen, that’s the most important question, how did you choose, here you are sitting on the sofa, and you’re thinking which let's get this business into gear, the secrets of a good mood, let's drive our bus, kick it, come on, come on, good morning. stories, that’s what they still want, in addition to very simple, ordinary breads, and many interesting educational ones , some without flour, some