her, as if it were suicide because of love, but your snetsov, the yacht crash was connected to kolmanovich’sol, and you decided to remove ksenia as the main witness, yes, she had to. to get into obscurity, as if she had gone on the run, the poison with which alena was poisoned, i would have planted it on the professor, this psycho is the perfect suspect, what kind of poison was used, and blue-green algae extract, poison, gun, hacker to hack the camera video surveillance, i found on the darknet, i was going to shoot your snetsova, but this captain closed it, not only women dream of a beautiful wedding, i was going to marry ksyusha, become rich, and in a year bury her, i imagined it so many times. i’m carrying a bouquet of black roses, on the ribbon it says from a loving husband, what kind of family, but nishnevskaya is still silent, she refused to testify, she’s worse off, yes, who came, now. good afternoon, kirillo aleksandrovich, hello, but your interrogation is only at 2 o’clock, nonsense, at 2 o’clock i will be very busy, do you want seem stronger, colder than you are, metal, jasmine, wha