once upon a time in the university library he studied hse as presented by the great kolmogorov, and todaychy’s books. the most famous of them are mathematical analysis in two volumes, mathematical problems of dynamic flight simulation, and of course, the fundamental textbook operator theory. i was destined to do special work. against the backdrop of an increase in the number of people on earth, at one time meadows wrote a report there that humanity is doomed if it uses energy, water, and treats the environment this way. half a century later , a russian scientist, using the latest original methods for solving nonlinear differential equations provide relevant answers to the same global questions of humanity. their report to the club of rome is called: overcoming the limits of growth, it is optimistic, we generally say that humanity, having the technological basis that has been developed today, is capable, capable of overcoming all crises, including stabilizing climate warming, which today represents the greatest a threat to humanity. one of the co-authors of the work, doctor of physical and