kolodin and so all night, boss, you'll take me to gogeldova, no, and how he banged, early in the morningorkshop, while his wife had not yet woken up, his wife got up, saw that the refrigerator was gone, said: that's how it is, i don't understand why now, especially lately , divorces have become more frequent, disgraces, what are they doing? i'm so surprised, excuse me, these are autobiographical, as they say, i waited for sidin in his beard, the devil is delayed somewhere. well, once i said, i don’t understand, gets married, gets married, bunnies, suns, fish, birds, and goats, mares, sheep and deer are bred. i was told that one woman, well , she left her husband because she found out, found out that he bought two diamond disks for some kind of grinder. by the way, here ’s a note for bachelors who were left by such a woman, dumplings put through a meat grinder become navy-style macaroni. and nevertheless, a wedding is a desired goal for many. at one wedding, instead of bitter, dad shouted: well thank god, and my mother was shouting: well finally, here's another thing i don't understand, w