. >> people in their homes, mostly in the village of kolontar, lost their lives due to drowning and abouter people were caught up in the red mud and needed hospital attention due to the caustic red mud. >> and the land could be irreparably harmed. as recovery efforts drag on in the months following, dr. burke travels to hungary and witnesses the aftermath firsthand. >> we went back primarily to recover samples from the repository and from the affected parts of the environment to look at what happens to red mud that is being left in the soil and what possible hazards are involved with that. >> in all, ten people lose their lives in the disaster. dozens of homes are ruined and 15 square miles of land are affected. all of this devastation leaves more questions than answers. >> because it's the first spill of this type of material, no one has really studied how this material behaves in a natural environment. >> in time, more will be understood. meanwhile, the investigation into the cause of the breach is under way. as residents rebuild, they look back in sadness on the day the red flood marre