. >> thank you for putting kolthi out there.ou don't have to be nervous because you know people already love this. i think you'll do a great job. >> thank you. >> go on in, you go first. >> okay. >> hi, how are you? thank you for having me. i am from miami, florida. have you ever been surprised by a sudden rainstorm and couldn't get to the car because of a flooded parking lot and don't want to ruin your favorite shoes in or having worse, change your outfitt outfits. this is a water resistant shoe protector. it protects any stool shoe from rain, mud or anything else. they fold into their own self-contained pouch making it easy to carry in your purse, briefcase or you can seal it to the child's backpack. seals are easy to clean. simply wash with a wash cloth or throw in the washer. seal is ready for a snow or rainy day. >> it was like a commercial. i feel like you practiced that. seal shoe covers. it was awesome. and i think they are awesome. >> i want to show you the shoes i'm wearing. i am hiding high heels. this is my invention